Monday, December 27, 2010

The 7 Most Important Things I Learned in Europe

1. How to Accept People for Who they Are: Traveling to so many vastly different places over the course of the semester has allowed me to see firsthand how unique each country is. With that, I've learned to try to look at cultures with less judgment. Instead of comparing every place I've been to America, I've become much better at just accepting and appreciating the differences in our cultures. Yeah, some things might seem very strange at first, but that doesn't mean it's wrong or bad, just that it's different. Of course, I've also done better at just accepting other people or MUDECers. I've definitely been frustrated at times with the conduct and behavior of some of the other Miami students here, but spending so much time in close proximity with everyone allows you to see people in many different lights. I don't know, I'm beginning to believe that there is a little good in everyone. Maybe it's because I've spent a lot of time with a lot of very, very unique people, but I feel like I can better relate to anybody now. And that is definitely a good thing, for what is life but the vast and mysterious web of interpersonal connections?

2. Alcohol isn't All Bad: Before coming to Europe, I had only had a few drinks (all of which I consumed legally with my parents), and I'll admit, I had a somewhat negative bias towards people who drank, probably because almost everyone I saw drinking was drinking illegally. I do not like to break laws. That hasn't changed. But, I have gained a new found appreciation and respect for alcohol and the people who consume it - as long as they do so responsibly. Europeans have a completely different perspective on alcohol usage. There is a strong connection between alcohol and food, and alcohol and relationships. People just drink with their meals, and don't make a big deal out of it. I promise you, the taboo effect is what causes so many underage people to drink in America. You take the rebellious aspect out of it, and people just do it responsibly. At many bars, you'll see 16 and 17 year old kids drinking, but they don't binge drink like college students in America do. They just take their time and enjoy each other's company. I've learned a lot about alcohol since I've been here, and I think that education makes me respect and appreciate it more.

3. A Calm Head and a Flexible Attitude are the Most Important Things to Bring With You When You Travel: Yeah, things are going to go wrong at times, in fact, things go wrong a lot. But, it does you absolutely no good whatsoever to panic. Trust me, there will always be somebody else who is going to panic, but a group needs someone to think clearly and calmly. I got myself into a couple harrowing situations such as having had my bed on an overnight train double-booked in Germany, having to spend the night in Břeclav, and not knowing where our hostels were in various places, including Zurich and Brussels. But through all of it, I never panicked, and that was a huge benefit to my own personal sanity and the collective mental state of the group.

4. You Can Communicate with Anyone:
Walking around anywhere in Europe (except the UK or Ireland) you probably won't hear a lot of English being spoken aloud. However, English is the most common second language in the world, so almost every single person speaks some English. That being said, I cannot stress enough how much of an advantage you will have if you can speak one other language. For me, the ability to speak French came in handy several times. For example, that first weekend trip to Brussels and Bruges, if I hadn't had been able to speak French to the ticket guy in Arlon, we would have ended up paying way more for our tickets than we did. Also, learning another language (German) was incredibly valuable. For when it came down to it, that crazy night in Břeclav, if I hadn't been able to speak basic (read: broken) German, we may not have had a place to sleep that night. It is completely worth it to learn at least some of the basic phrases and words in the language of the place you're staying. People so much appreciated my attempts to speak their language everywhere we went - that was a pretty interesting cross-cultural observation I made. It didn't matter if we were in France, Poland, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, whatever - people everywhere appreciate the effort. In the worst possible cases, where there is a complete language barrier (which never actually happened to me), gesturing and drawings can be used to communicate. In all reality, communication between any two humans is not that challenging, no matter where you are.

5. People are Not All that Different:
Going along with the lack of a general language barrier, I've come to realize that people in general are really not all that different. I mean, so many things, especially laughter, is universal. Happiness is widespread across the world. I don't know, maybe I thought people would be bummed out because they didn't live in America or didn't have our freedoms, but most people seem to be pretty darn content. It seems strange looking back now, but I really don't think it was that hard to assimilate into European culture either. I think our society, in America at least, places too much emphasis on the differences between cultures and not on the similarities. I mean, it was sometimes work to try to find differences between Americans and Europeans.  All in all, I've come to the conclusion that people from anywhere can relate to people everywhere.

6. Travel Brings out People's True Personalities:
Yeah. You can tell a lot about a person by how they act under pressure. A smart man (Martin Luther King Jr.) once said something to the effect of "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." True story - when you get people out of their comfort zone, as happened almost every weekend, you see people for who they are. Some people can act calm and composed and friendly around the Chateau or in class, but get them walking around a strange city with no breakfast, and you find out who the good ones are. I wonder what other people thought of me, based on our travels, because I certainly formed opinions as to the character of others. It is fascinating indeed, that you get people out of place and they might change so drastically. Fascinating, and I would even go as far as to say mildly entertaining at times.

7. I can do Anything:
That's what's up. four months ago, I was terrified - terrified that I would be living in a strange and foreign country, with nobody I knew that well, in a strange home, traveling all over Europe. Now, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. I was pushed, challenged beyond what I could have ever imagined, but I held my own. I managed any problems I faced (or at least I thought so) and passed with flying colors. Twas indeed a testament to my upbringing and personality that I was able to handle myself as I did. I felt like I grew up a lot over the past semester. I did so many great things, with so many great people. I have memories that will last a lifetime and I already miss it. All in all, totally worth it, a million times over. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La Vie Luxembourgeoise

Author's Note
I wanted to write a blog post about what I do everyday, just to describe the smaller differences between my life here and American life. I started writing this while procrastinating for finals. However, since I have now completed all my finals and actually have time to write, I've found myself more interested in just relaxing and enjoying the last few hours of my European adventure. Thus, I elected to cut my story short, for it would have been wrong to continue it just for the sake of continuing it. So, I present to you, the Luxembourgish life, or at least the Luxembourgish life for a couple of hours on a Thursday.

La Vie Luxembourgeoise
I wake to the sound of my borrowed cell phone vibrating against my night stand. It's 9:00 am. A minute later, as I'm still rubbing my eyes, the alarm goes off on my alarm clock by the bed. It's 9:01 am. I shut it off and make sure it won't go off again at 9:02, like I set it to. I whip my glasses so that the sides extend and put them on. I hit the lights before I get out of bed, and I turn them off a second later when I turn on the other set of lights nearer my table.

I grab my clothes for the day, and walk down the creaky stairs to the bathroom. I put some eyedrops in, take my glasses off, and put my contacts in. I then shower, much quicker than I would in America because I know that utilities are ridiculous here. I dry off before I step out of the glass box, and then shave and comb my hair. I dress, and then head back upstairs. I return back downstairs a second later to grab my breakfast - bread and nutella. I could honestly eat it every day for the rest of my life and be satisfied. I drink with my breakfast some sort of juice, always enjoyably.

I hang out for a while, and I leave at 9:56 to walk to the train station. I climb down the two flights of stairs, stopping halfway to put my shoes on, and then I exit out Norby's front door. I turn right and head downhill on the Rue des Charbons. I pass the Portuguese bar on the corner that always seems so lively. I cross the Rue de Canal, stopping to pause at the oncoming traffic. I still don't understand Luxembourgish traffic laws, so I always wait until I know the cars are going to stop before I cross the street.

I pass the Portuguese futbol bar on the left side of the street, and I pass the little, new, Italian cafe. I walk by a bridal shop on the right side of the street, just before turning left on the Rue de l'Alzette. It's a busy street, especially at this hour. People crowd the pedestrian shopping street, leaving the center mostly open for the occasional car. There are no trucks today, since most deliveries are on Mondays, and Fridays are the days they pick up trash.

I pass the Apple store on the right side of the street that offers leases on laptops. I wonder at who would ever lease a laptop? I pass the chocolate shop that I've never been in, and the first of three lingerie shops I pass everyday on my way to school. I turn right on the Avenue de la Gare when I get to the BNP Paribas bank with the ATM. I walk past the cafe called "Chez Kill" where I had coffee once, it was just ok. I turn left on Rue or Avenue or Boulevard, John F. Kennedy. He was pretty much the last great American loved by Europeans, so pretty much every city has a street named after him.

I cross the street once I get to the crosswalk in front of the train station, that is, after pushing the button and watching the signal "Signal kommt" flash several times. I enter through the strange, semi-revolving doors that are pushable and pullable from either direction. I go up the stairs on the left, passing the sign that says, "Direction Petange." I stand on the platform, usually for about 5-7 minutes, since I have this innate desire to be early for everything. It's near insanity.

When the train pulls up at 10:17, I'm not surprised, since by this late in the morning, trains are almost expected to run late. Thankfully it's not too late. I enter the train and take a seat by myself on the bottom level. Today, since it's past rush hour and the train isn't too crowded, I sit in one of the four-seater units, and have enough room to put my backpack on the seat next to me and stretch my legs out. I watch out the window as we pass Belval-Universite, Belval-Redange, Belvaux-Soleuvre, and Oberkorn before my stop in Differdange 16-18 minutes later. I hop off the train, and head down the stairs beside the elevated tracks.

I turn left at the bottom of the stairs and walk under the overpass on which the train rests. I walk past Das Boot - the Miami student population's favorite bar, bar none. I pass the elementary school, but the children aren't outside playing today. It's cold now, so I can see them frolicking in their classrooms through the huge glass windows. I walk up the driveway of the elementary school, right after passing the wonderful pizza place, Smile Pizza, where one of the nicest ladies in Differdange works and teaches me Italian. I then walk up the large staircase, taking the shortcut up to the Chateau. Earlier in the year, the local teenage drug dealers would wait there and yell the few english words they knew at the passing MUDEC students. Now it's cold, and they are not there anymore. The path is slippery and icy, but I manage by trudging through the snowier part of the walkway, dodging the low-hanging pine branches. I round the corner and enter the open gates of the Chateau. I enter through the side door, pushing in the access code and pulling the door open.

I wipe my feet off on the mat inside the door. I head down into the cave and rotate the combination on my lock one click so that it pops open. I put my scarf and jacket in my locker, and then throw my econ textbook back in there. I move to the other side of the chateau and take my seat in one of the comfy armchairs in the corner. I fiddle around on the computer for a bit, not really accomplishing anything, just trying to waste some time before class.

Let's pretend I have poli sci class and my hitler class on Thursdays. I don't, but it will better exemplify a typical day here at the chateau if I did. So I go to poli sci class. I sit in the second to last row in the back of the room, and crack my laptop open.

Yeah, I take notes in class on my computer, but while our aging professor trails off (as he often does) I find other ways to entertain myself. These include such things as sporcle, facebook, stumbleupon, and looking up the random facts our professor mentions in class. Yeah, it might not be the best use of my in-class time, but whatever. I do really enjoy the class though, our professor is so swag. I mean, this guy was the former Luxembourg Ambassador to the USSR during the Cold War, and then served as a Luxembourg Ambassador to Belgium and NATO. Oh, did I mention he's like 84, a lawyer, still officially serves as Chamberlain to the Grand Duke, was caught in WWII as a 17 year old in Luxembourg. The whole story goes that as Germany occupied Luxembourg, they were going to force him (our Professor) to go fight for the Nazis on the eastern front against the Russians. But, the night before they were going to be sent out, he purposefully jumped down the stairs on his ankle to sprain it so that he wouldn't have to go. They let him stay, and shortly thereafter, he ran away into some forest in Germany. He eventually made his way into contact with French people living in the countryside and hid out with his Czech friend he met in their forced labor camp. He eventually made it to American troops and was able (barely) to convince the commanders there that he was not a German spy, and survived the war. Crazy.

Class goes fast, usually. Our prof throws in these random stories of his life into talks about the EU and the WTO. We've heard about his time in Moscow, about his time at the London School of Economics, even about how he's tried, "smoking grass," as he put it. Class is replete with other people slacking off and playing on their laptops. Our prof doesn't really know how much technology works, so he struggles with the projector often. His voice is like a lullaby, as in, it's very soothing, and he trails off at the end of every sentence, practically asking you to fall asleep in his class.

Once class is done, I file out the back door (since I sit in the back of the class), and get in the lunch line. The food distribution system isn't exactly the most efficient system ever created, but it gets the job done. I stand in line for a couple of minutes, idly fiddling with my pen and then fork, knife, and tray. When I get to the window through which food comes, I grab myself a slice of cheese and an ice cream sandwich before receiving a bowl of pasta from the chef. I respond with a quick, "merci" and move out of the way. I walk around the corner into the cafeteria and put my tray down at a seat at one of the round tables. I don't know why people sit at the rectangular tables - they are so crowded. Then, I go back and grab a couple slices of bread, some napkins, and check to see what kind of soup they have today. It looks like some sort of pea soup. Pass.

I sit down, drink my chocolate milk, and devour the rest of my food. For some reason, I find myself always hungry at lunch, which is ok because the pasta is delicious. After I eat until I could eat no more, I find I still have roughly thirteen pounds of pasta left. No problem though - I just go down to the cave, grab my tupperware, and pack that pasta away for dinner later. The food has been excellent, always.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Three Days

Last weekend I experienced three very interesting and different days:

Thursday - Dinner with Mr. Hoff
Mr. Hoff, the man who took us hiking through Lux City a couple of times invited Jeeves, Tony, and I over to his house for dinner. We gladly accepted. It was a difficult getting there via public transportation since he lives in Junglinster, a half an hour outside of Lux City. We also got off at the wrong bus stop, but no big deal. Mr. Hoff has a nice house, and was a nice host.

As soon as we got there, around 4:00 pm, we had some warm coffee. Also, he said it was common to take brandy with your coffee, so we had some brandy. I had some peach brandy that was apparently a favorite of Dr. Stiller (the old director of MUDEC, and my father's econ professor when he was a student here). It definitely warmed me up. We also were served chips and some cookies as a little afternoon snack while we chatted. Mr. Hoff is amazing and has lived such a full life.

His birthday is December 17th, and he doesn't very much enjoy celebrating it. He studied abroad for a semester when he was at university, spending a semester in Lisbon, Portugal. Every year he goes back to Portugal for a week. He was a member of the junior Red Cross in Luxembourg, and as a teen, was sent as one of two Luxembourgish representatives to an international program of the Red Cross in the United States. He spent four weeks in America, and even met John F. Kennedy. JFK was on very familiar terms with the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg at the time, Charlotte, and when the junior Red Cross delegation visited the White House, JFK personally asked to meet the Luxembourgish representatives. So it was that Mr. Hoff met JFK about a year before he died.

Mr. Hoff then worked for the Red Cross for a while after university before going to work for Arcelormittel, the large Luxembourgish steel company. Turns out Mr. Hoff was pretty much the reason I'm now sitting in Miami's Chateau in Differdange. You see, Arcelormittel owned the Chateau and had been using it as a guest-house for visiting businessmen, but wanted to get rid of it. Mr. Hoff had also been involved with Miami before then, and when his boss asked him for suggestions as to who would possibly want to rent a Chateau - he knew how to answer. So it was that MUDEC came to be located in our lovely Chateau.

Mr. Hoff has a huge library, comprised of over 4,000 books. Most of them are historic in nature, and he loves to read. He told us stories of how he'd accumulated so many books, and many of them were signed or rare editions. He also is an art collector, and has several pieces that are centuries old. He also possesses an original Salvador Dali drawing (that's gotta be worth something). A very interesting man, indeed.

For dinner, we had a potato casserole with cheese on top, cauliflower, pumpkin soup, chicken with mushrooms, and oranges in a rum sauce thing for dessert. It was all delicious. We also drank a few glasses each of sparking wine from the Moselle region. After dinner, we had the typical cup of coffee, but then we had to rush out to make the last train home before we had a chance to have the typical after-dinner digestive (read; extremely strong alcoholic beverage). It was awesome.

Friday - Bofferding Tour and Dinner with Norby
As a class trip, we visited the Bofferding Brewery here in Luxembourg. Bofferding is the most well known beer in Luxembourg. So, our school paid for us to go on a brewery tour and drink unlimited free beer. Wait, did I say free beer? Yeah, that's right. After our brief tour of the brewing facilities, we got to sit down and taste the products. First, we tasted a shot of brandy made just from beer. Next, we had small cups of beer that still had the yeast in it. Next, we had water from their deep spring. Then we had a glass of the original Bofferding beer. Then, we had Battin, another type of beer that was developed in Esch but is now brewed at the Bofferding brewery. Then we had a glass of Bofferding's Christmas beer. It did not taste like Christmas. Nothing ever does. Then we had a glass of Bofferding's fruit beer - now that was good. After all of that, they just asked us if we wanted anything else (still all free), and I had another glass of Battin. It was awesome. All of us Miami students were noticeably louder on the bus ride back to the Chateau.

Then, I went home to meet with Norby and go out for pizza. So at 7:15 pm, we left and walked to the Christmas Market in Esch. We met Norby's friends Giles and Patrick and we all had a beer at the Grinch Cafe (a semi-indoor tent cafe at the Christmas Market). Then, we got in Giles' Alfa Romeo (Yeah) and drove to this little Italian place in Esch to get dinner. We started off our meal with an aperatif: some orange liquor which we then poured beer over. It was rather refreshing and quite strong. I had a cheese pizza for dinner. With dinner we also each had a couple glasses of wine. Norby and I were drinking rose and Patrick and Giles were drinking a red. I heard many, many stories of their adventures together, none of which will be repeated here. Then, after dinner, we had an espresso, and then some after-dinner drinks. We each had two verneers (sp?) which was some tasty (and not too strong - according to Norby) alcoholic drink. I was a little bit concerned about the large consumption of alcohol, since I had to get up the next morning at 4:00 am, So at around I don't even know what time, Norby and those guys dropped me off at home before going out to Pitcher to continue their Friday festivities.

Saturday - Skiing in France
Yeah, that's right. So I got up at 4:00 am (after having chugged like a liter of water before going to bed the night before), and got ready to go skiing. I didn't exactly have all the right equipment, so I had to improvise. Instead of snow pants, I wore long underwear, my flannel pajamas, and then my water resistant hiking pants. I didn't have a winter jacket, so I wore an underarmour, long sleeve cotton shirt, a thick jacket, and then my raincoat. I also wore my scarf, hat, thin gloves, mittens, and sunglasses.

I had to take the 5:28 am train into Differdange where I boarded the bus. We left Differdange at 6:00 am, and got to Lux City to pick up the others at 6:30. It was supposed to be a three hour bus ride to Lac Blanc in the Vosges Mountains in France. It was not. We got lost once, and had some traffic delays, so we didn't arrive until like 11:00. Sad day. But, it was also a beautiful day in terms of weather: sunny and about 25 all day, which was shredtastic.

So after waiting in the huge cluster of a line for our rental equipment, we finally got to do some skiing. I love skiing. It's so satisfying when you are skiing well and really loose. Unfortunately, that is not how most of the day was spent. It was spent laughing at people falling down trying to get on the tow ropes, trying not to slide across all the ice, and avoiding the random ditches built into the mountain (what the heck?). But the views were incredible:

It wasn't too crowded, only problem was we only got to actually ski for about 5 hours since we got there so late and had to turn our rentals in at 5:30. But, the bus has this rule about driving where the driver legally is obliged to take a 9 hour break , so we could not leave the place until 8:15 pm. So, after returning our skis, we chilled at the top of the mountain (where the ski rental was) and then had to ride the chair lift down (where the only open restaurant was) before having to ride the ski lift back up to the top (where the parking lot was). Who the heck designed that place?

Anyway, it was a rather late night, as we got dropped off in Differdange at around 12:20 am, and then we just kinda chilled at a bar until 1:00 am. We all caught the 1:00 am train towards the city, so I got home around 1:30 am. Last detail of the story, I went right to sleep, and didn't get up until 1:30 pm the next day. Awesome.

Monday, December 6, 2010

History Trip and Eastern European Adventures

So over the last 10 days, I spent time traveling with our history class to Prague, Auschwitz, and Krakow before splitting off and going to Budapest and Salzburg. These are a few of the stories from my crazy adventure in Eastern Europe.

Chapter 1 - An Italian Feast
Friday, after classes, we hung around the Chateau before meeting at the train station at 3:30 pm. We boarded the Flibco bus to Frankfurt-Hahn. It was a slow bus ride. We got on a plane at 7:00. It was on time. We had to first fly to Milan before flying to Prague the next morning. Ryanair plays a little musical jingle when the plane gets there on time. It made me laugh. We stayed the night at very swag hotel near the airport. That's when the fun started...

So we had dinner scheduled at the hotel for us. Turns out they had a giant long table for our entire class to sit at. We had water, house wine, and bread on the table for us. Oh, and I got to sit at one of the heads of the table (Dr. Haag sat at the other one). We then proceeded to enjoy a wonderful three course meal. The highlight of which was the delicious stuffed ravioli that the waiter just kept bringing us. I mean, we had seconds, and then thirds. Funniest thing was that when Jeeves didn't finish his third helping of ravioli, as the waiter was coming around to collect plates, Brad and I muttered, "pssh, rookie." The waiter, hilarious in his own right, asked us (referring to Jeeves), "First year at university?" and we just nodded and cracked up. The meal was topped off by a delicious chocolatey light cake. Oh, and the hotel itself was legit as heck. We had like fancy lights and a real nice bathroom (yeah, I stole some shampoo and stuff, so what?).

Chapter 2 - A Long Day in Prague
To make our 8:00 flight to Prague, it was deemed necessary by our esteemed faculty that we needed to leave the hotel (just 5 minutes from the airport) at freakin' 5:00 am! So, as you might imagine, we got to the airport at oh, say around 5:07 am. Then, we literally just sat there because we couldn't check in until two hours before our flight.

The WizzAir flight was much cooler than the Ryanair flight (as in, they didn't try to sell us crap and smokeless cigarettes the entire flight). We arrived in Prague at 9:30 and were met at the airport by our guide, George. Now, George was not the most interesting or enthusiastic character ever, and the wonders of our 8 hour long walking tour of the city of Prague was mitigated by the high levels of fatigue felt by every single student. Anyway, here's what I learned from George:

1. The guy Wenceslas from that christmas song basically founded the Czech country.
2. The Old Town is actually newer than the New Town
3. Charles IV - the guy for whom the Charles Bridge is named after, was the son of John the Blind (some Luxembourgish ruler or something like that).
4. The Charles Bridge was the site of the famous scenes from Mission Impossible I (a highly underrated film)
5. 2/3 of the Jewish population of (then) Czechoslovakia were killed during the Holocaust.

Other highlights included eating lunch in a dungeon (with medieval style food), seeing the changing of the guard at a sweet palace, and almost seeing some sort of fight break out between some guys outside a synagogue. There were plenty of pretty sights though, such as this picture I took looking out over the river from the Charles Bridge:

Exhaustion set in. Starbucks fixed it. After all the class work was done with, we walked back from the hotel to the movie theatre to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Yeah, it was in English, with Czech subtitles. It was awesome. After that, we just walked back to the hotel, and conked out right quick.

Chapter 3 - Travel Day
All we did on Sunday was get up, walk back to the Charles Bridge in the morning, get on a bus, ride for six and a half hours, and eat dinner at our hotel in Auschwitz. (Sidenote: I'm really tired right now, since I've been typing up notes for econ and history for literally the last three and a half hours, so excuse my Hemingway-esque brevity). Here are more details of the day that are cool:

1. We watched Schindler's List on the bus ride. I hadn't seen it before; it is a really solid movie.
2. We stayed at the same hotel as the French President Jacque Chirac when he went to visit Auschwitz (i.e. It was a nice hotel).

Chapter 4 - A Warning to Humanity
On Monday, we got up, and drove to Auschwitz. As you can imagine, it was a pretty intense day: I'll try to go through all we saw and do it justice, but in all honesty, I doubt it possible. It was cold and cloudy when we arrived at Auschwitz I, the first establishment of the three separate camps that make up Auschwitz. From class and one of the books we read, I've learned that Auschwitz was unique in that it was both a concentration (or forced labor) camp and an extermination camp.

We started our guided tour by walking through the infamous gates, which in iron read "Arbeit macht frei" which in German means "Work makes you free." We walked around the brick Polish army barracks that were converted into the concentration camp. We saw the horrible conditions in which prisoners lived. There was barbed wire everywhere. I'll be honest, the entire place felt like death. I don't know how else to describe it, but I swear I could feel some sort of terrible depression haunting the place.

We saw some of the exhibitions in the buildings. We saw the thousands of suitcases that were stripped from the Jews when they were being deported from the Jewish ghettos. The suitcases still had names on them; the Jews were being told they would get their bags back. We saw the thousands of empty canisters of Zyklon B, the chemical that was used to exterminate millions of people. We saw 40,000 pairs of shoes, all taken from prisoners upon arrival.

We saw Block 11, where sentences were handed-down for badly-behaved prisoners. We saw the "Wall of Death" where the Nazis used to exterminate people by firing squad. We saw prison cells so small that prisoners would be forced to stand for days without food. We walked through the gas chamber where thousands of people were killed. I remember thinking at the time, I just did something thousands of people never did - I walked back out of the gas chamber. It was hard to walk through all of this and not be so weighed down by the echoes of brutality and genocide that occurred.

It really doesn't seem all that real when you read about it, or when you see movies about it, but being there changes things. I was constantly reminded of the fact that this atrocity did actually happen and that real people were capable of systematically attempting to exterminate millions of people and succeeding. As we were walking around the camp, I remember not wanting to touch anything, because touching it would have made it real. We also saw the place where Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz who oversaw the camp, was hanged in 1946. Fittingly, he died at Auschwitz. 

Strangely, we then ate lunch at Auschwitz, which again made me think, I'm doing something else thousands of people never did - eating a hot meal at Auschwitz. We had chicken and soup. We boarded the bus, and drove about five minutes to Auschwitz II - Birkenau, a much larger facility that encompassed 400 acres of barracks, crematoria, and gas chambers.

It's a vast wasteland. I hate to say the weather was perfect, but it seemed to fit the occasion: it was cold, windy, dark, and rather gray. Birkenau was pretty shocking because of its size. I mean, we walked around for several hours there and didn't see the entire camp. We did see the remains of the crematoria - where the Nazis burned the bodies. Birkenau was not nearly as well preserved as Auschwitz I, because as the war was winding down, the Nazis attempted to hide their genocide by destroying parts of the camp at Birkenau. One of the most moving parts of Birkenau was the official monument. It read, "For ever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity, where the Nazis murdered about one and a half million men, women, and children, mainly Jews of various countries of Europe."

We boarded the buses and drove two hours to Krakow. We got into the hotel, and then Brad, Tiffany, Aunna and I walked to the train station to buy our tickets to Budapest. Unfortunately, even with our Eurail passes, tickets were rather expensive, since we had to travel through both Poland and Slovakia, two countries which are not participating in the Eurail program. Anyhow, we had dinner that night as a class in a traditional Jewish restaurant, with traditional Jewish music accompanying our meal. It was fantastic. 

Chapter 5 - Krakow
Tuesday morning we got up, had breakfast, and began our walking tour of Krakow. Here, the class was split into two groups; one group went with Filip, our swag Polish guide who had been with us since we left Prague. I was not in that group. I was in the other group with "Margaret" whose actual Polish name sounded something like "Gula" so I just referred to her as "Gulag." Anyway, so Gulag was not exactly the most enthusiastic or interesting tour guide, and it was rather chilly that day, so my experience was not ideal. But, that being said, it was cool to see some real historic places. We walked through the main deportation square where they took Jews before shipping them off to concentration camps. We walked through much of the former Jewish Ghetto and saw how the Nazis built walls that were shaped like the tombstones in Jewish cemeteries, just to remind them how close they were to death. 

We walked through the museum at the site of Schindler's factory, which focused on the entire city of Krakow during WWII. It was interactive and interesting. We had lunch on our own (so we went to the first place we found near the city center - Taco Mexicano). After a warm lunch, we started back up on our tour and headed to several church type places. We saw the Collegium Maius, the old university in Krakow, where a bunch of professors and intellectuals were rounded up and taken to concentration camps. We then walked to Wawel, the castle slash old home of the Polish kings. It was a huge complex, and the church inside was amazing. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take picture inside. One cool thing I remember is they have a huge altar in the center of the church called, "the Altar of Poland" and they would lay the banners of conquered peoples on the altar as a sign of victory. We climbed the top of the bell tower there, and then I was able to get some pictures looking back over Krakow:

From there, we went down into the crypt of Wawel to see the tombs of several Polish kings, the President who died in a plane crash last year, and some famous Polish poets. One thing I remember learning was that this one Polish King, Kazimierz the Great, lived a long time ago and had like 100 lovers, so the Polish joke is that everyone is really just one big happy family. 

We then walked to St. Mary's, another church in the city center. Sidenote: Krakow is often referred to as a second Rome because of the huge presence of the catholic church. Unsidenote: St. Mary's was a really cool church, and had an altarpiece that was 500 years old. 

Next, we took a tram back to the hotel, gathered ourselves, and got ready to go to our chamber music concert that evening. Yeah, that's right - we had a swag little Chopin piano concert at a really chill little place. It was really nice, and I rather enjoyed the music. After that, we went back to the hotel and had dinner at the little bar there. I had half a hamburger and half a club sandwich. Oh, and I tried some Zywiec, a polish beer. It was dece, but nothing to write home about (even though that's exactly what I'm doing).

Chapter 6 - Where is Břeclav?
Wednesday morning we got up, had breakfast, and headed out for a tour of the old Jewish quarter in Krakow. Filip was our guide now, and he was so much more shred than Gulag, my guide from the day before. Filip was also obsessed with Schindler's list, and pointed out pretty much every single place where they had filmed for the movie, which was cool. The most fascinating part of the tour, for me, was going into the Remuh Synagogue and then seeing the Jewish cemetery behind it. Fun contrasting cultures fact: in a synagogue, men have to wear a hat or have their head covered, in a christian church, men have to take off or remove their hats. Fascinating, no? Anyway, the cemetery was again rather interesting, here's a picture of it:

I wanted to put this picture here to showcase something else also. You can (hopefully) see that there are small stones and rocks on many of the tombstones. This is a Jewish tradition where, instead of putting something as delicate and temporal as flowers on a grave, you put a stone out of respect. 

And thus ended our study tour, but our adventures were just beginning...

So we left the group, and Tiffany, Brad, Aunna, and I headed to the train station. Well, first we stopped at the Krakow Mall right by the train station because we had some time to kill, then we went to the train station and got on the 12:36 train from Krakow to Katowice. On that train (which can only be described as a relic of communism and all its failures), we met a guy who "almost" worked for Google. Yeah, I didn't really understand it either, but he spoke good english and listened to my stories about camping, so whatevs, he was chill. So we got to Katowice in plenty of time to make our train from there to Břeclav. 

But then it all went wrong.

So our train was delayed 20 minutes leaving out of Katowice, which was gonna be a problem since we only had 9 minutes between our next connection in Břeclav to make our final train to Budapest. Once we finally got on the train to Břeclav, en route, we became delayed another 20 minutes somehow. (Darn you Eastern European train systems!). Anyway, so we talked to the conductor and he told us that yeah, there was almost no chance we were making our connection. Also, he told us that the next train from Břeclav to Budapest wasn't leaving until 4:47 am the next morning. 

Problem: What do you do when you're stuck in Břeclav at 8:00 pm, with no cash (in the Czech currency), nowhere to stay, and don't speak a lick of Czech?

Here's how we solved it: the train conductor told us to meet him when we got off in Břeclav, and he would take us to a hostel that was right by the train station. So we got off the train, met the conductor, and we met Cole and Amy - two Canadian teens who were also trying to get to Budapest and had missed their connection (we just called them "Canada"). They were skateboarders. Yeah, so this "hostel" the conductor was telling us about? Turns out it's like a run-down crack house. It was all closed and boarded up. Bummer. So he took us into the train station headquarters building, and printed off a Google map to another hostel 25 minutes across town.

So we schlepped our stuff through the city of Břeclav. The city was dead. I mean absolutely lifeless. I mean, we saw like maybe two cars. Anyways, about 25 minutes later, we walked into what we thought was the hostel, but turned out to actually be an ice hockey rink. So we walked around the sketchy ice hockey rink to where the hostel was. We walked in, walked upstairs to the lobby, still hadn't seen a soul, and found no one at the reception desk (at 8:00 pm). Confused, we just considered sleeping on the couches in the lobby if we couldn't find anyone. Then, Tiffany went downstairs to the bar and found the guy who was running the place. Turns out he didn't speak any english but spoke a little German. Ergo, Brad and I (the two German scholars of the group) were called in. Yeah, I probably didn't use total correct grammar, and yeah, I probably didn't say everything with the correct pronunciation, but I got the message across that we did not know where to sleep, and that we wanted to sleep there. I got the six of us two rooms for the night, for 10 euros each. Piece. Of. Cake.

So we slept for a few hours in the sketchy beds (complete with ants!). Got up, rolled out of there at like 3:45 to make it back to the train station for our 4:47 am train to Budapest with Canada. Funny thing - we saw a TON more people out in Břeclav at 4:00 am than we did at 8:00 pm, it was a strange, strange town. 

Chapter 7 - a "Hungary" Thanksgiving
We arrived in Budapest at around 8:30 am on Thanksgiving Day. After snagging some forint (the Hungarian currency) we figured out the public transportation situation, and (thought) we figured out which bus to take. Unfortunately, we took the bus in the wrong direction a stop or two before we realized it and got off. Then, we headed in the right direction, but Brad and Cole got separated from us and accidently got off a few stops early. We rendezvoused at the correct stop shortly thereafter. 

We walked to our hostel, which was really nice. We also explained to them what had happened the night before, and they waived our fee from that night (score!). So we chilled there for a bit, got ourselves cleaned up, and headed out into the city. We walked to a big indoor market place that reminded me of the North Market in Columbus. We then had a legit Hungarian meal of goulache at this sweet little restaurant. It was damn good. 

After lunch we walked across the bridge into the Buda side of the city. You see, Budapest is really made up of two cities along the Danube, Buda and Pest; they merged together to form Budapest. Anyway, we pretty much walked up all along the Buda side of the river up to this sweet castle or palace thing on top of a huge hill. It was a long walk, but provided us with awesome views of the river and the city, such as this one:

We continued our stroll and saw Fisherman's Bastion, and some really cool church from the outside. Then, we hiked back down the hill and got on a tram back to our Green Bridge. We stopped into our hostel and got some dinner recommendations before heading back out into the city. We had already gotten tickets to the opera that night at 8:00 pm, so we had a quick, albeit delicious, meal of hamburgers and french fries (how American is that for a Thanksgiving meal?) at a fancy little cafe by the opera house. I had some Tokaji wine at dinner, it was sweet, literally. 

The opera was real fancy. Like, they had water or drinks for us at the door. Like, we HAD to check our coats to get in. It was a real nice place too, very swanky. Our seats (which cost 2 euro each) were up in the nosebleeds, so we couldn't really even see the stage. That's ok though, because the whole opera was in German, which Hungarian subtitles. It was also rather confusing, as there were several scenes referencing Jesus, but then there was also some communist secret police and some girls who appeared to have been vomited on by the 80's. All in all, we decided at intermission that we'd had enough culture and headed back to the hostel. After having a few shots of palinka (Hungarian fruit brandy), speaking to my parents at home, and watching a little bit of Elf, fighting over some chocolate ice cream, finally called it a night.

Chapter 8 - Ugh, Christmas
On Friday, we slept in (finally) and then went and had some nice coffee and crap for breakfast. Then, we headed over to the big Christmas Market. Short introduction to the idea of a Christmas Market: in Europe, especially northern and central Europe, for the month leading up to Christmas, almost every city has a Christmas Market where they set up semi-permanent booths and hawk all sorts of ornaments, handmade trinkets, and a variety of other doodads and zipzorps. So, Budapest had a huge Christmas Market, and we walked around there for a while. We got some krampampuli, which was hot white wine with christmas spices in it. It was delicious. 

After hanging out at the Christmas market for a while, we walked up the big street to Hero's Square, a huge plaza with columns and statues (every city in Europe has one of these, I think). Anyway, that was cool. Then, we walked to a big castle behind there. The castle was sweet. We then took a subway back to the Christmas Market. Now, I need to make a confession here: I have inherited, from my father, the "Scrooge Gene." That is, if I experience Christmas overdose, I shut down and start acting like the Grinch. Such was the case in Budapest. I mean, there was just SO MUCH Christmas crap. Trees everywhere, old Hungarian ladies singing, people dressed like elves - it disgusted me. But I survived.

We had a real awesome dinner though - we ate these things that were just bread, sour cream, onion, bacon, and garlic. It was legit. Then, we headed back to the hostel since we had an early train (6:00 am) the next morning to head to Salzburg Austria. 

Chapter 9 - The Hills Are Alive...
We woke up rather early on Saturday morning, but we were used to it by then. We were not used to the snow and slush that had fallen the night before, however. That's right, although we had had real swag weather in Budapest until then, it was snowing and there was slushfest '10 going on all over. So we got to the train on time, we even had enough time for Brad to snag a kebab for breakfast. 

We got on our train, guessed it, the train was late getting to Vienna, where we had our one connection. So we missed our train to Salzburg. Luckily, there was another one right away, so we got on that and arrived in Salzburg. We had to make it to our bed and breakfast by 1:30 to get picked up for our Sound of Music tour. Now, we had to seriously hustle, we couldn't figure out the suburban train system, so we took two buses out of the city up to where our place was. We then had a rather strenuous hike up a steep hill, but we finally arrived at Haus Christine at about 1:35. The proprietor, Christine, was so nice - she even hooked us up with some sandwiches since we told her we hadn't eaten anything. We put our stuff down and got on the little shuttle bus back to the city.

There, we got aboard the huge bus for the official Sound of Music tour. We met Erin and Jerica, our MUDEC friends, on the bus. Our tour guide was pretty funny, despite his plethora of corny one-liners (the pot calling the kettle black?). The tour itself was a lot cooler than I thought it would be, and I really only was doing it because Aunna really wanted to. Brad and I had even "joked" about skipping out and trying to go on the Bavarian Mountain tour instead. But, we did get to see a bunch of places from the musical, and some pretty lakes and mountains outside of Salzburg. Here is a picture of Wolfgangsee, one of the lakes up in the hills:

Yeah, it was pretty majestic. So our tour also took us to the small town of Mondsee, where they just let us roam for a while. We had some sweet apfelstrudel and chilled near the Christmas market before we got back on the bus. The bus then took us back to Salzburg.

We rolled out into the city, and thanks to our guides Erin and Jerica, headed toward where some restaurants were. We got into this real legit place, and with the help of our waiter, got a table for 6. I had some nice schnitzel, and it was a good meal, complete with a visit from St. Nicholas and some guys dressed up as demons. 

We took our buses back up to our place and crashed, hard. We had real comfy beds there.

Chapter 10 - Getting Home
Well we got up, had a swag breakfast and headed back into town to get our train at 11:52. We figured we had had enough bad luck with trains, so nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong, could it? If you answered, "No," you'd be wrong. So we only had one connection to make, in Koblenz, and we had a 42 minute buffer before our next train was supposed to leave Koblenz.

So, we began our trip with our train already being delayed 5 minutes. No big deal, it was only 5 minutes, so what? But then, we got stopped on the tracks at one point, just in the middle of nowhere, because of the snowy weather. Then, in Gunzburg or something like that, the train stopped and the conductor came on over the PA and said something in German that made everyone groan. I did not understand, so I asked the people sitting across from us, and they told me that, "the locomotive has a defect." Then, the guy across from me was like, "Das ist einen Saftladen!" which is a German expression of frustration, and literally means, "this is a juice-shop!" It was hilarious. Everybody laughed.

So our train was delayed exactly 42 minutes. However, as we were pulling up to the station before Koblenz, it seemed as though we would make it, our train now was only 35 minutes late. We pulled into Koblenz at 7:20 pm, and our next train was scheduled to leave at 7:23 pm. We sprinted through the station and hopped aboard our train just in time. So much for a 42 minute buffer. But we made it, and got back to Luxembourg City at 9:30 on Sunday night, exhausted after a crazy week of travel, trains, and history.

Sorry it took so long to write all this, it's been a long week, and I was rather sick after returning from all this. But I'm better now, and have finally had time to sit down and crank this out. I want to write at least 3 more blog posts: one about skiing last weekend, one about everyday life in Luxembourg, and one about reflecting on everything I've learned in the four months I've been here. But, now I must return to studying and classes.